Foods For The Mood

Foods can affect our moods. Yes, I’m talking about our mental health and foods? Now my learning of certain foods have been in particular to bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety so this is based on my own experiences and help from my doctor.

We all want to indulge ourselves in pizza, fried chicken and ice cream. Boy are they good but my not for my mood usually. The bloated or upset stomach can take over in just minutes later and not to mention it can be a buzz kill, if you know what I mean.

I have learned since my diagnosis eating certain foods makes me feel insanely better. Not only for my brain but also for my health. Having good information on yummy foods and sharing recipes here and there will keep you enlightened to feeling better and looking better too. I’m always finding new tricks and tips too. Its so impressive what the slightest changes in foods or adjusting the recipes we love are still just as delish. Even tastier and better for us than the old version of its self. Some of the foods that are my personal favs and I call my power foods, I’m sharing below. Check out this article on 16 Mood Boosting Foods

  • Avocados
  • Beans of all sorts
  • Tofu
  • Fish but my go to is tuna and salmon
  • Yogurt, cottage cheese and fruit
  • Lastly got to have my chocolate but in moderation of course

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