Exercise is Therapy

Mental health and exercise go hand in hand

If you are like me overstressed, lack sleep, and moody from having a shitty or just an overwhelming day. How are you going to release those triggers before you spiral into a manic or depressive state? Have you ever thought about exercise? There are many facts and resources that state how exercise helps immensely with our mental health and well-being. Check this one out.  http://www.psychologytoday.com/excercise

 In my mid-20s I found that exercise became such an outlet for me back then it was not for my mental health. It was an addiction. I was losing weight. You see, I had gained weight after the years of sadness, guilt, and abandonment I felt going through the loss of my mother, my queen. Going into my 30s is when I knew something was very wrong. The horrible ranting, raging out of control, the up and down mood swings that transpired with my family, my wolf pack. My depression was taking a different turn I didn’t understand what was wrong with me. I felt I was going crazy.

When I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and anxiety, I found exercise as my therapy. coping mechanism.  It would calm me down and gave me such a sense of relief. I felt amazing physically and mentally. Getting in shape and losing weight became different reasons to continue. When completing whatever form of exercise that day, I felt I had an outlet to help manage to have and prevent most episodes.

I just want to put this out there that this can be a movement for you. Don’t call it “exercise” if that’s not motivating or your thing. How about I am going to therapy. This is my go-to! I am going to my safe place. This is my space. Whatever you want to call it. We will elaborate so much more on this topic.  See ya beauties, “I’m off to therapy.”

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